Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Health Awareness is not Fat Shaming

I'm fired up. Yesterday got me started. The new average female size is 16. 16! That is extra large, and that is not healthy. Unless you are halfway over 6 feet tall, that is overweight, obese...or worse. Then I went to Cracker Barrel for lunch. A girl a table over from me was STARING at me - I didn't know why. I glanced at her when she came in - she was morbidly obese, wearing leggings and a tight shirt. As I sat there eating my vegetable plate, she ordered chicken and dumplings and macaroni and cheese. I can hear the haters already, making excuses, and telling me her actions have no effect on me. Well, I am first a nurse and compassionate person, and I know she is killing herself with every bite. Suicide by ingestion is still suicide. And it's tragic. Then I read the story today of the man suing an airline because he spent 9 hours pancaked into a window seat by his very overweight seat mate. He is suing. I think that is extreme...but I also thought, why should anyone suffer because someone has chosen to be overweight? The airlines should have size limits for their seats, just as they measure for carry ons. If you don't fit, you purchase the seat next to you so you can. If you can't afford it, you don't fly. I've gone to amusement parks - there is a "you must be this tall to ride". I've seen people struggle to get in and out of seats meant for someone half their size. It causes wear and tear on the equipment, raising prices for everyone else. Diabetes is our next epidemic - and we have brought it upon ourselves. Back problems, hypertension, heart disease...bringing pain and death. Avoidable in many cases. Preventable. But not easy!! When I was diagnosed with diabetes six years ago - with a BMI of 26, overweight, I woke up. My diabetes happened because of genetics. I have been tweaking my life daily since. It. Is. Not. Easy! The alternative is unacceptable. Kidney failure. Nerve pain. Increased heart disease. Vascular impairment. Loss of limb. I would love to eat carbs like I used to - but uncontrolled carb eating kills. So here I am, from lower calorie diet and exercise, to Atkins, to vegetarian. As my body gave me clues, I fought back. It is a fight. You have to fight for your health. I fear far too many are in denial of the damage they are doing to themselves, and the effect their choices is having on others. Insurance rates go up as people get sicker. And we all pay. Who would choose to be sick? The problem with obesity is that it's eat now, pay later. Literally and figuratively. I didn't like running when I started five years ago, and it's a real struggle some days. But the alternative... My diabetes has shown me the direct cause and effect of everything I eat, and the exercise I do or don't do. I beg you - take care of yourself. Make small healthy choices daily, and they will lead to small improvments, that lead to bigger improvements. You CAN get healthier. Every day. I'm living proof. Fight on. e b e r

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