Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


A very important aspect of your physical well being is breathing. 
Some may say what's the big deal? You just do it.  You don't even have to think about it. 
I'm asking you to start thinking about it. 
I'm a registered nurse. When patients are in labor, one of the main ways they manage natural labor is through breathing. Conscious, deep, rhythmic, purposeful breathing. 
When a patient has surgery, they will breathe shallow due to the pain they are in. We have to remind them to deep breathe, and give them an incentive spirometer to help them visually see the depth of their breaths. Shallow breathing can lead to pneumonia. 
When we are stressed, again we tend to breathe shallow. We tense up. We may not know we are breathing shallow.
I've taken to abdominal breathing when I am stressing. - you breathe in deep, pushing your belly out as you slowly fill your lungs as full as you can, then slowly releasing the air. Ten good belly breaths and you will feel yourself relax. 
Throughout the day, think about breathing. Take a few full, lung filling breaths. 
When I am doing cardio, I also become more mindful of my breathing. Every few breaths I will empty my lungs. It really helps me stayore relaxed. 
So think about breathing today. It will make a positive mental and physical change!
e b e r 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Excuses, Excuses

I've fallen off. I've derailed. I went off the grid. 
It happens to most people - probably everyone if they were honest. 
It started when my blood sugars went wonkie after having to take steroids - and they are still high. After all my hard work and vigilance, I found myself having terrible blood sugars. It threw me. 
A big pile of stress was next - and since I already was not using my healthy coping, I went to unhealthy eating. 
Next, accountability fell off. I stopped tracking food. I half heartedly ate right - as soon as I ate something unhealthy, I said this day is toast - and I ate bad the rest of the day. 

*I can't beat this diabetes so why comply?
*I already got off track for the week. I'll start back next week
*I need my rest
*I can't catch up on my challenge, so I'll start next week 

I stepped on the scale this morning, and I haven't gained an ounce. I was down. But I know it's not about the numbers. 
I was talking to my friend, coworker, and FitBit buddy this morning - she was talking about how she, too, had gotten derailed. 
What's the point? We are all human. I've been on this healthy living path for four years. Overall I am much healthier than I was. 
So today I focus on the good again, instead of kicking myself. I'm tracking my food. I have my goals for today. I've come too far. 
Acknowledging excuses for what they are is the first step to getting back on track!

e b e r