Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


An important aspect in health is focus. 
When you decide to get healthy, you need to fine tune your focus. Instead of looking at the broad canvas of your life, you have to turn the light on and put the microscope on. 
When I decided to take charge of my health,I started with walking. I was totally sedentary. I looked at my life and where and how I could make a change. So after focusing on what I needed and what I was capable of, I decided to walk daily. For me, it was 5k a day. It was a start. 
Then I decided to set a goal - my focus opened up to a slightly larger goal. I set a short term goal, and I met it. 
Slowly I began setting more long term goals. I didn't need to focus on the day to day exercise because the long term goals kept me going. 
Now I'm down with a back injury. I'm unsure of the future. 
It's hard to be immobilized. I am in pain and frustrated. 
So I'm changing my focus again. 
I'm fine tuning what I have control over - my eating. I'm charting what I eat scrupulously. I'm drinking lots of water. 
I have long range goals still. I just had to remove short term goals. The half marathon I so looked forward to Sunday will be passed. 
I've come a long way. I'm glad for that, because I know what I'm capable of. 
For now, that's my focus. 
e b e r

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