Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Monday, May 29, 2017

Begin. Again.

Ah, the quest for a healthy life. It started in earnest almost 6 years ago with my diabetes diagnosis. I had toyed off and on with eating healthy throughout my life. As a child, my mother was very healthy...we didn't have junk food, koolaid, artificial colors and flavors. We ate fruits and veggies. In the seventies, this was a feat. In my high school years, I would sneak M&M's. I was a pack a day girl. We frequently went to McDonalds when we were skipping schoo, for a coke, egg McMuffin, hash brown, and a cheese danish. I drank regular soda by the gallon. By this time, the healthy eating I grew up on went out the window. At 120 slender pounds, I ate whatever I wanted without the scale budging. So I did. My sugar addiction became firmly anchored during these years. I went through two decades of eating as I pleased, drinking gallons of soda and sweet tea. Fast forward to seven years ago August, and my diabetes diagnosis. My days of sweetened drinks, regular soda, and juice ended that day. That was, for some reason, the easy part. The sugary sweets part is much more difficult, for as I grew up, I became an emotional eater, and carbs - mostly pastries - were my drug of choice. My dietary changes are a work in progress. After my diabetes diagnosis, I lost 30lbs, and went low carb, bringing my A1C to a pre-diabetic 5.7. This honeymoon phase lasted about three years. Then slowly, but steadily, the diabetes started pushing its way to the front. Fast forward to my last year...on insulin now, with an A1C of 8.7. No bueno. I feel like I am back to square one. Deep sigh. The health journey has good days, and not so good days. The important thing is to keep focused on being as healthy as possible. Today starts the Runner's World Run Streak - a commitment to run at least a mile a day, every day from now until Labor Day. I'm in - I am also reading "Diabetes Solution" by Dr Richard Bernstein, and "The Obesity Code" by Dr Jason Fung. I want to understand as much as I can, so I can do what is best for my health. I've been in a rut, overwhelmed by the rapidly worsening blood sugars. I know that I can only do what I can do - but I'm going to do the best I can. Today. Then tomorrow, I will get up, and do it again. Until. e b e r

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