Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Simple - Yet Vital - First Step

Are you drinking your calories? One of the first reality checks I had was the caloric intake of the beverages I was consuming.  My favorite beverage was soda. My soda of choice is 340 calories per 32 oz drink - and on a hot summer day, I drank them by the gallons! 
Sports drinks look healthy, right? Wrong. 32 oz of a popular "ade" is 200 calories per serving. 
How about a refreshing lemonade? How about 300 calories in 20 oz.
Read the labels.  Look at all the chemicals and colorings and high fructose corn syrup - a dangerous, addictive sugar.
Diet sodas and beverages are a solution to the calorie trap - but you still get all the chemicals, plus more in the artificial sweeteners.
What's the answer? WATER.
I know - you hate drinking water.  I did, too. In the last three years, I have gone from hating water to drinking 80-100oz a day.
Where to you start? There are some tricks to changing over.  I use cute insulated cups that I refill throughout the day - I have one at work that reminds me to drink. 
Some people hate the "taste" of water, so they put in lemon slices, or other fruit slices, or infuse flavor into the water.
So think about it - do you want to drink your calories? Do you want empty calories full of chemicals part of your daily life? Or would you rather save your calories for tasty, healthy food! Substance!
Are you ready to drink water...water that your body needs, water that your body is made of, water that flushes out toxins, water that refreshes?
It's a first step toward overall better health. 
It's part of letting go of denial and embracing health!
e b e r

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