Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Race and Road Etiquette

Today I want to talk about race etiquette, and road safety. These are basics that I've learned along the way - whether you are doing a 5k or a marathon, these are the safe and polite things to do. 

Here they are, in no particular order!

*Starting line: stand where you run, not at your wannabe pace. Races will either put you in a corral by race time, or just ask the slower runners to be further back. Don't get offended - if you have an 11 min mile pace and dream of a 9 min mile goal, dream on. Just do it from the 11 min corral. Otherwise you will get in the way. As my FitBit running bro George said so charmingly "if you aren't very fast don't start at the front and stop 100m down the road knackered".  Be realistic. 

*Dogs: if race rules say no dogs, it means NO DOGS! I love my dogs, but other people's dogs have caused me injury just having to take evasive movements. I love running with my dog, but I don't take her to races. Unless it's a doggie race, leave them home! 

*Strollers: most races stated clearly "strollers in the back".  Yeah. Then here comes super racer dad, cutting in and out between runners. It's unsafe. It's rude. Face it - sometimes you can't get a PR with a stroller. Dial it back, speed racer. 

*Walkers: I am a run/walker!! So I get that some people are going to walk, either part or all of the race!  That's great - glad you're here! But if you are walking, walk on the extreme right - single file. If you are running and need to take a walk break, raise your hand to alert those around you that you are slowing down, and move to the extreme right. Just like on the road, left lane is for passing only!

*Groups: I'm glad you and your four besties are running or walking this race - but you need to be single file. Blocking the entire race path is rude and a danger to others. If you want to walk and talk in a line, hit the treadmills at the gym. 


Road safety!!

Sooo important. Especially these days when distracted drivers are texting everywhere. A few tips to keep you safe!

*Run toward traffic. Always. You need to see what is coming, they need to see you!  

*Wear ID. I love, which has waterproof cute running ID. I wear a bracelet. If heaven forbid something should happen to you while you are exercising, it has all the contact and medical info on it. Smart phones are nice but not always reliable. 

*Running in the dark: not ideal, I know, but when you work, or if there are temperature extremes in the daylight, a necessity. Tips to be safe: wear light colored clothing, lots of reflection gear, a headlamp or lights. Make yourself as visible as possible! 

My last safety tip applies to all exercising outside: situational awareness! Listen to music of you want to, but don't have it so loud you can't hear your surroundings. Watch the vehicles coming at you- if you need to get out of their way, be prepared!  

These tips will help keep you safe, and help everyone enjoy race day! 

e b e r

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