Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Whole Food, Plant Based Diet Starts Today

*Note: this is a personal blog. It's my journey. My thoughts should not be mistaken for medical advice. Please consult your physician before changing anything regarding your health. I'm sitting at my doctors office right now!! 

Well, I am a frustrated human. 
I have been following Atkins diet - and there are a lot of great options for me there. 
My personal problem with it is all the chemicals - sure, I can have shakes and bars and snacks that taste like candy and cookies and milkshakes. 
To put it in the words of my friend Kristy, though, those are "gateway foods" - foods that make me want more sweets. That keep my sugar craving brain active. 
I miss fruit. I miss not craving diet soda. 
So after study and much prayer and consideration, I'm going to try another path. 
Based on "Forks Over Knives", today - the first day of summer - I'm going to change over to a whole food, plant based diet. 
My personal ails - type 2 diabetes that I now am on insulin for - and genetic high cholesterol are what led me to make this change. 
I need to get away from chemicals and sweets. I want to live off food that is as close to its original form as possible. 
This will not be inexpensive.
Neither is insulin and diabetic supplies. 
I had my last Atkins shake this morning, and I would like to eliminate artificial sweeteners. 
My back is feeling better, and I begin my running training again today. 
I hope by fall I will be at least 20 pounds lighter, stronger, leaner, less bloated. 
I'll keep you posted. 
Meanwhile - it's the first day of summer. What healthy change can you make for yourself today?
e b e r

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Summer Running

A disclaimer: to you blessed ones who live in the west or southwest or anyplace with temperatures that are reasonable, and the humidity is low, bless you. Wish I was there. 
I am not there. 
I have been running now for four years. I have done 16 half marathons - the last one, the Ogden Half Marathon, was an endurance trial in freezing rain and hurricane force winds. I cannot recall the last time I was that cold. 
I live deep in the south, and after the last couple of days, that cold is looking like my happy place. 
I confess, the first couple of years I ran, I just took summer off. I continued to work on my Fitbit step goals, but this was done indoors, and via rebounding on my Bellicon. 
I know I need to continue training, both for my diabetes and my running fitness.
So I have to figure out a way to make summer running a habit. 
No, I won't run on the treadmill, or dreadmill as I derisively call it. I use it only when there is no other choice. Like tropical storms. 
In the summer, humidity is the first big hurdle. I hate sweating, and within a few short minutes of going out into the near 100% humidity, I am slicked with head to toe sweat. 
So I decided that summer runs were detoxing me. Each drop of sweat was carrying out some toxin - chemical or emotional. It makes it tolerable. Never enjoyable! But doable. 
Next up - bugs. Lots of them. I ate one yesterday as I opened my mouth to speak. I've had to learn to hold my mouth in such a way it doesn't become a portal for the unexpected swarms of gnats and whatever creatures are winged. I never come home without the dead bodies of bugs on my sweaty body. 
Lightning is a game changer. If there is thunder, there is no running. I live in the lightning strike capital of the world. 
This drives me out to run when the sun is coming up, or when the sun is down. I don't like running at night, but I cannot run during the heat of the day. I have invested in wicking clothing and reflective gear. My older gated community does not have much traffic, but I still must remain safety conscious. 
Summer used to be an excuse not to run. Now I have found work arounds, and  I will press through. 
My next half marathon is in October, and I want to be strong. 
Run on. 
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