Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Get Out of The Car

Get out of the car. 
The car is the place of anonymous caloric offenses. 
If I get out of the car at the coffee place, I avoid the 15 cars waiting. I walk a few extra steps for the day. I carry my cup in. I get a plain coffee - I've gone to that, as my tolerance for carbs disappears like grains of sand in the wind. I actually interact with people - hard, but necessary. I put cinnamon in my coffee, which is good for my diabetic self.  I walk back to my car. 
If I sit in my car, I can change my mind. I can order something I shouldn't. No one will see me with the high calorie frothy drink, and maybe a pastry. 
Get out of the car. 
I've cut fast food out of my life. I won't get out of my car because I don't want to admit that I am going to eat that. But in my car...I can "impulsively" pull in for that craving for whatever forbidden food I am allowing to comfort me. In my car I can eat anonymously. 
It's such a small step.  
It can make a huge difference...literally!
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Friday, March 4, 2016

A Soda Discussion

Coca Cola and I go way back. 
I've been guzzling soda since high school. With great enthusiasm!! 
15 years ago I discovered Sonic, and route 44 cherry limeades became a big part of summer. Where I live hot weather lasts forever, and I always had a giant soda in my hand. 
Going to the movies? Large soda. 
Going out to eat? Glass after glass of soda. 
Then came diabetes. Five years ago, I drank my last regular soda. 
Unfortunately, I still wanted to fulfill my soda craving. So I switched to Coke Zero. Diet Dr Pepper. Diet root beer. 
Back when I drank regular soda, I swore I'd never drink diet. I didn't want to. 
Then diabetes. I drink a LOT of water everyday...but what do I do for flavor?? Iced tea, green tea, coffee - and water. I wanted more. 
Diet soda moved into prominence. 
I've read a lot about diet soda and what the consequences are. 
I've wanted to quit a long time. 
Just like the rest of the dietary changes I have made permanent in my life in my quest toward healthy, clean eating, soda took a process to release. 
I've begun to phase it out. I've gone all week without it. I just don't think glasses full of chemicals are good for me. The artificial sweetness makes me want more sweets. 
I'm drinking iced green tea as I write this. I've discovered a lot of delicious tea flavored that don't need any sweetener. 
Every day, life is full of choices. One day at a time leads to changes that matter. The journey continues to a healthier me. 
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