Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico
It's A Beautiful World...Be Healthy So You Can Enjoy It!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

It Starts Now

I saw this amazing video yesterday.  I posted it but I want it seen by as many people as possible.

The choices you make everyday for yourself and your family are affecting your family health.  

You can't go back - and I wish I could, I would change a lot.  I can't change the past, but I can be a healthier me today.  

Please watch this.  Pass it on.  This is why our country is in the shape it is in.  Love yourself. Love your family. Stop the cycle!

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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

No more Stalling

I already messed up today - I'll start tomorrow. 

I will start on Monday. 

I will start being healthy after my vacation. 

I'm going to start after my birthday. 

Have you ever said any of these statements in regards to eating healthy and exercising? 

I know I have - many, many times. The "Imma gonna" syndrome. 

Anyone with any bit of intelligence knows the basics of what they could be doing to be healthier. But we choose to make excuses because that is easier. 

Or is it? Is being unhealthy easier? I'll tell you first had being a diabetic isn't easy at all. Is having high blood pressure easier? Cardiovascular disease? Social pressure or shunning from obesity - is that easier?

It's only easier to be unhealthy because we have allowed ourselves to believe it. 

I never was one to exercise - I made fun of people who exercised on cruise ships. I am one of those people now that goes to the gym on the ship!

It's a paradigm shift.  Would you leave the house for work without showering or brushing your teeth? All you are doing is caring for basic hygiene. That is important! 

MORE important is caring for your health.  Are you drinking water - lots of pure natural water, every day? I never drank water.  Then I slowly began to incorporate it, and now I drink an average of 90oz a day. With no ice. 

I never read labels - now I always do. It's really eye opening.  The more you know, the easier it is. 

Stop making excuses and do something positive - starting now.   Grab a drink of water.  Go for a 30 minute brisk walk. 

The road to a healthier you starts here and now - but you have to take that first step. 


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